A performance driver in a globalisation strategy, corporate culture is, however, often forgotten. The goal? To enrich it. The risk? It gets diluted! Here is a little guide to the essentials from a specialist in company values, Amélie Fenzy, from Valeurs&Valeur.
On the one hand, are company values, on the other, collective culture: from these two come corporate culture. “Management has values“, explains Amélie Fenzy, “an [...]
Read more70% of online buyers have made a purchase on a foreign site according to the Pitney Bowes Global E-commerce Report 2017. Cross-border e-commerce is therefore no longer just an option for e-retailers: international selling, more than an opportunity, is becoming an essential stage in the growth of an online site. But selling in new markets raises various challenges relating to international time-to-market for products in different countries.
Firstly, from an external point of view: how do [...]
If your company expands and becomes internationally active, the localisation of your website will be next on the agenda. There is much more to be taken into consideration here than just the linguistic adaptation. Pay attention to key factors and create a good international website and homepage by heeding the following tips.
When converting your content into another language, a natural and appropriate translation merely provides a basis. Beyond this, the comprehensiveness of the localisation is [...]
Read moreBill Gates was the first to say it, and today everyone agrees: “Content is king.” These days, establishing a content marketing strategy is an obvious step for many business. The benefits of content marketing are proven: it adds a certain weight to the name and legitimacy of a company within its industry.
However, when you’re growing your business within new markets it isn’t always easy to optimise your content marketing internationally. In this article, discover 5 ways [...]
Read moreAdvancements in technology have played a huge role in crossborder e-commerce growth. Recent technology advancements have:
Streamlined logistics Made payments more secure Created payment method alternatives (PayPal, Stripe, Sofort, iDeal) Sped up the checkout process (one-click payment) Provided the tools to quickly adapt product offering and marketing communications to customers by regionBut while the online cross-border figures remain promising, there are several obstacles that businesses must overcome in order to conquer new markets. These challenges include both internal and external issues.
There are roughly [...]
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