We’ve already devoted a blog post to business culture and the challenges that await companies around this issue when they develop internationally (read it here). Today, based on a study carried out by Christine Congdon and Catherine Gall for Steelcase and published in the Harvard Business Review, let’s take a look at the different types of business culture that exist across 11 countries.
Not too authoritarian but without [...]
Read moreAll good things must come to an end… and so must the World Cup! After almost a month of competition and a lot of surprises, the final game will take place this Sunday 15th at the Loujniki Stadium in Moscow (starting at 4pm BST).
Our area of expertise (as surprising as it may seem) isn’t football, but languages. That’s why we organised our own the Languages World Cup! Here’s a recap (click to enlarge):
Although translation is a job which requires human input, over the last few years translation tools and technologies have really come into their own. With the appearance of neural translation, artificial intelligence has made a rather grand entrance onto the market. Read this article and follow the evolution of translation technologies, a necessity in today’s world if you want to optimise your translation budget, reduce your time to market and increase productivity.
Fluidity of the customer journey, conversational commerce via social media, analysis of emotions, the passion of sales staff… These are the first four new trends in retail observed by Havas Paris in its Shopper Observer 2017 and presented during Paris Retail Week. Now it’s time for the three latest trends that will make up the retail world of tomorrow.
The figures speak for themselves:
A majority of consumers [...] Read moreAs we learnt yesterday of the demise of retail giant Toys”R”Us, which was unable to go down the digital route, there’s no doubt that footfall in physical shops has been declining for several years, while online sales are rising exponentially. Retailers are finding themselves facing a challenge of scale: how to strengthen their online presence and retain physical stores as sources of interest for consumers?
The Shopper Observer Havas Paris 2017 (the observatory of consumer behaviour and retail innovation) was at Paris Retail Week 2017 to reveal [...]
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