This is a guest article by Sandra May, Legal Content Team leader at the Händlerbund, on the topic of eCommerce law in 2021.
2021 is set to be very exciting for eCommerce, from both a legal and a political perspective. Alongside several laws that are set to be amended this year, the way is also being paved for 2022. However, let us first take a look back at 2020:
As you probably know, the 2020 edition of Paris Retail Week was fully digitised and broadcast on its digital platform, Paris Retail Week Connect. In view of Covid-19 and the prevention measures devised to contain and manage the current health emergency, it was decided to reinvent the event so as to ensure the health of all those involved.
Despite the new format, David Mingeon, Deputy Managing Director of Havas Paris, upheld the tradition of revealing the results of the Shopper Observer study. [...]
Read moreThe world of eCommerce is growing, and not just in the United States. According to JP Morgan, the U.S. has the second-largest eCommerce market in the world, worth an estimated $744.1 billion. It’s second only to China, whose eCommerce sector is valued at $1.15 trillion. That’s a lot of cash, but with 78% of U.S. citizens already shopping online, you may find yourself looking for an even larger market. Enter: global eCommerce.
The internet makes any business, regardless of their [...]
Read moreWe all know that the world has been going through an unprecedented crisis for some time now. Since the new coronavirus known as COVID-19 began to circulate, various different markets and industries have been experiencing difficulties, with businesses forced to cut back on their activity. But all is not lost!
While some companies are starting to return to the office and braving public transport once again, others are continuing to work from home. Many are asking the same question: will the [...]
Read moreIn recent years, international companies have started hiring Country Managers – a job title used by businesses outside English-speaking countries too!
A Country Manager is responsible for business development in a new country or region. They are particularly important for companies that are expanding internationally, as they deal with the launch, development and management of local service/product offerings from production to marketing on distribution networks.
Generally recruited for their understanding of the local area, language and market involved, their goal is to [...]
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