How Technology Can Reduce the Cost of International Expansion


According to Forrester, cross-border purchases will surpass national transactions by 17% by 2022. There is little doubt that all online retailers should make investing in cross-border sales and international development a priority. But you need wood to build a fire: international expansion is expensive.

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How Orchestra Optimised its Translation Workflow, Thanks to the TextMaster API


Created in 1995, the company Orchestra is a leader in children’s fashion and maternity products in France and in 48 countries. With more than 3 million customers and 600 stores, in 2017 the Orchestra chain achieved a turnover of 520 million euros, 20% of which originated internationally.

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Trends in eCommerce 2018: The most recent best practices in SEO


Diana Karcz, Teamleader SEO at Online Solutions Group (a German SEO agency) and Thomas Gruhle, founder of the digital marketing agency Leap, both spoke at the Internet World Expo in Munich in the beginning of March. The opportunity to review the major trends that, according to them, will reign on SEO in 2018 for e-commerce businesses.

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How do you keep your corporate culture if you expand internationally?


A performance driver in a globalisation strategy, corporate culture is, however, often forgotten. The goal? To enrich it. The risk? It gets diluted! Here is a little guide to the essentials from a specialist in company values, Amélie Fenzy, from Valeurs&Valeur.

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3 challenges that technology allows you to overcome to accelerate your international time-to-market


70% of online buyers have made a purchase on a foreign site according to the Pitney Bowes Global E-commerce Report 2017. Cross-border e-commerce is therefore no longer just an option for e-retailers: international selling, more than an opportunity, is becoming an essential stage in the growth of an online site. But selling in new markets raises various challenges relating to international time-to-market for products in different countries.

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