6 tips for starting out in international tourism


Whether you’re a seasonal rental travel agency that manages a mobile application connecting travellers around the entire world or something else entirely… Whatever your concept, there are some basics you must take into account if you want to get started in international tourism. A sector with strong growth worldwide, tourism is full of business opportunities with 7% average progression per year. But it is also a sector subject to many variations dependent on the season, politics/economics, new travel destination expectations from the general public and the latest trends in concepts… So how do you get started in international tourism?

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5 major retail trends for 2019


David Mingeon, CEO of Havas Paris, reported on the results of the Shopper Observer study in the opening session of Paris Retail Week. It’s an opportunity to learn more about consumer behaviour, expectations and needs and the major trends retailers will have to follow to stay on track. These 5 major retail trends for 2019 mark the beginning of the Smart Phygital era!

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Summer 2018 Press Review : Brazil, Ecommerce Optimisation and Expansion Strategy


July is already coming to an end, and if you are lucky (like some of us at TextMaster!), you’ve already left or will soon go on holiday. And, yes, we have all deserved a little rest after this intense half-year that was full of changes in the e-commerce and international development sector. But it’s always good to stay up to date!

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11 countries, 11 business cultures: office life around the world


We’ve already devoted a blog post to business culture and the challenges that await companies around this issue when they develop internationally (read it here). Today, based on a study carried out by Christine Congdon and Catherine Gall for Steelcase and published in the Harvard Business Review, let’s take a look at the different types of business culture that exist across 11 countries.

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The Languages World Cup with TextMaster


All good things must come to an end… and so must the World Cup! After almost a month of competition and a lot of surprises, the final game will take place this Sunday 15th at the Loujniki Stadium in Moscow (starting at 4pm BST).

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