The future of translation: on and offline


Type “future of translation” into a search engine and you’ll be presented with pessimistic articles questioning whether translators and interpreters will all be unemployed in a few years and whether machines will completely replace human translators. But what is the situation actually like? Is machine translation (MT) really putting thousands of jobs at risk?

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How to open a subsidiary in a foreign country [guide 2022]


Are you looking to grow your business beyond your country’s borders? Imagine opening a foreign subsidiary! You’ll have control over the activities of your operation, and the parent company will not be wholly liable in the unfortunate event there’s a legal dispute or mistake at the local level. In short, it’s all good. To find out more about opening a subsidiary in a foreign country, follow this guide!

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8 good reasons to translate your e-commerce site


Creating content is very demanding work. You need to define a strategy, deploy it and measure the effectiveness of your actions. Furthermore, you need to make sure the blog articles you write are read and shared more than your competitors. To achieve this, there is an irrefutable technique: translate your articles and product sheets into several languages. Wait no longer, read our 8 good reasons to translate your e-commerce site.

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Nine very common SEO errors to avoid


Have you been trying for days, weeks or months to reach your target via search engines? To ensure all this effort doesn’t go up in smoke, it’s essential to verify that you’re applying the best practices on the web. Which is why we’ve compiled a selection of the most common SEO errors for you. By the end of this article, you’ll be in a position to apply the appropriate corrections to your SEO strategy before it turns upside down!

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Discover the impact your traffic has on your sales!


The more people you attract to a brick-and-mortar shop, the greater the chances of your turnover increasing. And it’s the same on the internet. The objective is to attract web users in a way that leads them to discover your products, your services, your brand, your articles… In fact, 47% of consumers read between three and five pieces of content before finally making contact with a business or company.

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