As in years past, David Mingeon, Deputy CEO of Havas Paris, presented the results of the Shopper Observer study during the opening plenary session of Paris Retail Week. For those in attendance, this was the perfect chance to learn more about the benefits and advantages of physical stores, which are no longer just for showcasing products but are genuine ambassadors of their brands. As “Places of Truth,” stores must be environmentally friendly and efficient, while paving the way for a retail market that is dedicated to tackling society’s most important issues. David Mingeon and four CEOs discussed the new balance between physical and digital retail.
Read moreTranslating your website is no longer an afterthought. Some 55% of consumers only buy from websites in their native language and today’s businesses are paying a lot more attention to the translation and localization of their websites. But why would you want to be like everyone else? As Quebecois poet and writer Monique Bosco so elegantly said, “True wealth is discreet.” So, you should be discreet! Being liked by everyone amounts to being liked by absolutely anyone, so stop trying to please others and just be yourself. Your company is operating in a constantly changing market within a highly competitive environment. Most companies are trying to boost their market share and their sales volume with specific growth strategies that include, in particular, translating their websites. But do you really need to grow your business? Read on to discover four extremely reasons why you shouldn’t translate your website.
Read moreThe People’s Republic of China is undeniably a major global economic player. With a GDP of 14,217 billion dollars in 2019 and an annual growth rate of 8%, China is actually the world’s second largest economic power.
Read moreLogistics (also known as e-logistics in e-commerce circles) is a cornerstone of electronic commerce that aims to cover all stages of the process. It’s one of the main areas of growth for those working in online sales. Given today’s increasingly demanding consumers, online sellers would do well to stay up-to-date with new issues in digital commerce. Here, we summarise a few key elements that will help you optimise your international logistics and make cross-border e-commerce a powerful catalyst that drives business growth!
Read moreAll of us have now used Google Translate, Reverso or Deepl at some point. You know, all these online translators that allow you to switch from one language to another! This is what’s referred to as machine translation (MT): the conversion of a text from one language to another, carried out by computers without any human intervention.
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