Get started in just five steps

  • 1Upload your file

  • 2Select your options

  • 3Write your briefing

  • 4Review the submitted text

  • 5Approve the file

  • 1Upload your file
Upload a file or copy/paste your text. The platform will automatically count the words in your document and you can manually change this yourself.

  • 2Select your options
Select the source and target languages, then choose the service level. For web content, brochures or other types of business documents, we recommend the Standard level. For specialized fields like legal, medical or financial, we recommend selecting the Expertise option.

  • 3Write your briefing
Give your project a name, enter the instructions for the translator and select the relevant category.

  • 4Review the submitted text
To approve a file, click on the project and then the task.

  • 5Approve the file
If you’re happy with it, rate the translator and approve the file. If you need a revision, you can ask for it free of charge.

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