July is already coming to an end, and if you are lucky (like some of us at TextMaster!), you’ve already left or will soon go on holiday. And, yes, we have all deserved a little rest after this intense half-year that was full of changes in the e-commerce and international development sector. But it’s always good to stay up to date!
To keep you informed of the latest market news, and to learn more about the sector, here’s a small summer press review full of important info!
1.How Brazilians Shop and How E-Commerce Merchants Can Reach Them
From decision-making process of an online purchase to the most wanted categories of products by brazilian shoppers on e-commerce merchants’ websites, Ronaldo Bitencourt (Marketing Coordinator at EBANX, a fintech company headquartered in Brazil) compiles the overall picture of Brazilian e-buyers.
2.E-Commerce Optimization in the Modern Retail Era
Platforms, payment solutions, cart abandonment issues, customer experience and engagement… there are lots of things that e-commerce merchants must look at, evaluate, modernize and improve in order to keep on attracting new customers (and to retain them). And all of this is continuously moving faster!
3.5 Things to Consider When Preparing for Expansion
Colbey Pfund, Co-Founder of LFNT Distribution (a leading international distributor of premium e-liquid), gives his experience as an entrepreneur expanding its company. Local or international, the expansion of a company represents a huge opportunity of growth… but doesn’t come without any risk. Spoiler alert: interesting advice in this article!
We hope you enjoyed this little summer press review! The whole TextMaster team wishes you a great summer. We’re looking forward to seeing you in September for new articles on The International Expansion Blog ! In the meantime, if you want to (re)discover all our content (ebooks, studies…), feel free to check out our resource center.