E-commerce and micro-moments: how to constantly capture consumers’ attention
As an online seller, it’s difficult to predict when a customer will buy a product or service. Yet consumers often feel a sudden desire to order products. These are micro-moments. Today, we’re going to explain how to constantly capture the attention of users and convert these critical moments into online sales.
Micro-moments are brief moments when consumers are suddenly looking for everything. They may be looking to:
find information about a [...] Read moreE-commerce across the globe: 13 insightful stats for 2025
If becoming a leading global e-tailer tops your list, you’ll need to know exactly how it works. Why do customers choose one product over another? When customers need help, what’s their preferred method? What recent big changes have impacted e-commerce? We have compiled 13 key global e-tail statistics to help you conquer 2025. These should help you fine-tune your business strategy and boost your sales.
How do you manage a multicultural team? (the 2025 guide)
Multicultural teams can be a real company asset. They’ll adapt a marketing campaign to each customer’s culture, know which products will work in which country, and use the right wordplay when targeting a particular nationality. However, handling a multicultural team can also be challenging for management. Let’s examine these challenges and look at ways to overcome them.
We’ll cover various issues in this article before providing some tips, so you can manage [...]
Read moreDefinition and challenges of company culture
Are you in charge of a company and keen to attract top talent? If the answer’s “yes”, then you must have a clearly-defined company culture. It will help you stand out from the competition, make your company easily identifiable, and strengthen your employees’ sense of belonging. Let’s start with the definition, challenges and essentials of a first-rate company culture!
Companies sometimes overlook company culture which corresponds to the values, beliefs and behaviours shared [...]
Read moreSix key-points to note when tracking the behaviour of visitors to your site
When managing a website, especially an e-commerce store, it is crucial to analyse the behaviour of Internet users. Where do they come from? How long do they stay? Where do they go? What do they do? How can you keep their attention longer? And how can you optimise the customer journey? If you consider these issues important, we definitely recommend that you read this article.