Why You Need Localization: Transifex and TextMaster Explain


Localization involves translating a website, app or software for different regions. Not only do you need to handle the translation, but you also need to store all this text somewhere. Don’t forget, online content includes whole pages, but also small snippets of text called strings or translation keys (ex: “Learn more” or “Instant quote” buttons).

You could try to manage all this by copy/pasting to and from your site into a spreadsheet, but you’ll want to jump off a bridge after a few days of that.

That’s why we’ve recently partnered with Transifex, a cloud-based localization platform that manages website, software and app translations.

To put it simply, Transifex helps developers get the ball rolling on translation as part of the process, instead of waiting until the very end. Not only does this save time, but it also lets you catch potential problems before they happen.


What to watch out for

For example, some languages have extremely long words, which can pose formatting issues. The German word for speed limit is Geschwindigkeitsbeschränkungen, and it’s better to find that out sooner rather than later.


How it works

You can send your strings and content for translation through Transifex to be handled by our community of experts.

What sets our service apart is that you’re not just sending your content into a black hole – you get ongoing visibility into the status of your project. On top of that, you can communicate freely with your translator by sending specific instructions and asking for revisions.


What’s in it for you?

This partnership means that it’s easier than ever for you to get professional-level translation by integrating it directly into your workflow.

Until next time!

The TextMaster Team

Translation and website localisation: best practices

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