Bill Gates was the first to say it, and today everyone agrees: “Content is king.” These days, establishing a content marketing strategy is an obvious step for many business. The benefits of content marketing are proven: it adds a certain weight to the name and legitimacy of a company within its industry.

However, when you’re growing your business within new markets it isn’t always easy to optimise your content marketing internationally. In this article, discover 5 ways technology can help create content with more marketing impact.

Discover how technology can help you accelerate your international expansion

1. SEO

For your company to exist on the internet, it’s pretty simple: your natural search strategy should work efficiently and be optimised constantly. When you’re ready to start growing your company in a new market, you need to rethink this strategy: reflect upon the relevant keywords and not simply translate the keywords your company have used in the past.

For example, what in France we term “Social Media Listening” is called “Social Media Analytics” in the U.S.: a notable difference which the players in this industry will have to consider.

It is also worth analysing trends using Google Keyword Planner, to be sure you aren’t missing anything.

2. Brand identity

This is one of the major marketing issues for brands developing internationally: how do you keep a coherent brand identity across different markets? It is vital that your brand’s key terminology, whether it be relative to your company culture or area of activity, is always translated the same way. Terminology glossaries can bring together these terms and their accepted translations within the target languages, therefore transferring the style and image of your brand (which has often been the product of a lot of hard work at the head office) perfectly.

3. Recurrence

Marketing departments are often called upon to reuse content: automatic emails (for customer services or transactions), website menus etc. To simplify the management of translations and save time and money, translation memories in the cloud can prove indispensable. They give you the ability to reuse segments of text that have already been translated and to avoid unnecessary costs, while still ensuring coherent translations and optimising the marketing impact of your communications. The technologies combined with a full glossary can help to ensure trust and credibility for your brand.

4. Industrialisation

Marketing needs are very varied. Blogs, emails, press releases, messages for social media etc. By using an online all-in-one platform to manage your translations, you can be sure that one or several translator(s) are always available and, what is more, they have the necessary expertise. This means your translation projects can be activated more quickly and you’ll have access to multilingual content faster so you’ll always be ahead of the competition.

5. Demand

Marketing is a very demanding industry: everything needs to be considered down to the smallest detail if you want optimised content. With translation plugins and API which connect to several types of online software and tools, like your CMS or localisation platform, information is no longer lost, there is no need to manage complex formats, worry about missing alt-texts on images, missing meta-description, copy/paste errors etc. Every last detail is translated and localised.  

Even though marketing requires the sensitivity and creativity of a human, technological advances can still be very useful. This is just as true for international marketing and multilingual content: translation is a deeply human profession that been totally revolutionised with the arrival of computer assisted translation technology. Technology is there to help you and to ensure the impact of your marketing campaigns across all markets.

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